Arara's Home Page

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We just talked to SΘrgio Cabral in Rio again. What a treat!

An interview with Priscilla Ann Goslin, author of How to Be a Carioca...We had lunch with Priscilla in a few botequins in Leblon; take a look at her pic...couldn't look more carioca...

You've got to meet singer Marlui Miranda. Such an extraordinary woman! Her Brazilian Indian mass is just raving reviews in Brazil. Soon to be available in the US too.

Arara's Tip: Take a look at the magnificent and rare blue macaw. And while there, continue your visit through Brazil's Pantanal, one of the world's most beautiful - and now also one of the most endangered, it seems - places.

The arara (macaw) got its name from the Tupi language of Brazil. The word a'rara mimics the sounds these large, colorful birds make. We have chosen the arara as our Brazilian correspondent because to us they are symbolic of the country. And then, of course, she turned out to be a real prima donna and HAD to have her own Home Page...We will be hearing from her periodically.

July 1996
August 1996
September 1996
October 1996
November 1996
April 1997

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